
Chiropractic Services Maple Grove

7 Tips to Improve Your Family's Health

7 Tips to Improve Your Family's Health

Would you like to EMPOWER your family to live their healthiest, fullest lives yet? Do you want your family to THRIVE in their physical, mental, and emotional health? To do well in school, athletics, and other areas of interest without health concerns holding them back?

What about YOUR health? Are you making it a priority so you can show up as the best version of yourself for your family, friends, job, and community? So you can STOP focusing on the nagging aches and pains, sleepless nights, or poor bill of health from your doctor and can START focusing on the people who matter most and the actions that breathe life into your soul and make our world a better place?

As your partner in health, we care about your family’s wellbeing and don’t want to see you wasting precious energy and finances battling sickness, injuries, or disease. We want to equip you with the knowledge and resources you need to elevate your family’s health and live life to the full.

Below are links to numerous resources to educate, empower, and encourage you to make small lifestyle shifts to create a vibrant, healthy, happy life - so you and your kids can go out into the world and be all that God created you to be.

Power Up! Natural Ways to Elevate Your Family’s Health

What sort of health goals would you like to reach this year? Increased strength and mobility to keep up with your kids, more energy and focus to perform better at work, less aches and pains to participate in your favorite activities, or decreased stress and inflammation to prevent disease?

Take a look at the resources we’ve listed below. You’re sure to find something to spur you and your family on in their healing and wellness journey.

1. Sleep: A True Superpower. Have you ever thought of sleep as a superpower? It absolutely is! Good, quality sleep allows our bodies to heal. If you aren’t sleeping well then you aren’t healing and feeling well either. Read this articlebook, or listen to this podcast to learn more about how sleep quality impacts your daily life and what you can do sleep better and optimize your health.

2. Why Strength Training Should be a Part of Your Weekly Routine (especially if you're older than 30). It’s not just for good looks, you know. Skeletal muscle is the currency of aging; it’s an essential lever in maintaining optimal metabolic health, reducing body fat, and supporting longevity. Listen to this video and read this article for more information.

3. Effective Ways to Prevent Getting Sick this Winter: You’ve probably heard the saying, “If you don’t make time for your health, you’ll be forced to make time for your illness.” We’re guessing you’d rather focus on practicing lifestyle habits to PREVENT sickness rather than recovery, right? Read this article to learn or listen to this podcast to learn more about underlying causes of lingering colds and how to support your body.

4. Show Your Nervous System Some Love: Why Regular Chiropractic Adjustments are the Greatest CATAYLIST to Improve Your Overall Health. Just like you take your kids to various health professionals (the pediatrician, dentist, or eye doctor) to PREVENT issues from arising or to FIX small issues before they become big issues, it’s equally important to bring your family to the chiropractor to make sure their nervous system is functioning well. Click here to learn how the central nervous system regulates all the other organs, nerves, tissues, and muscles in the body and why this matters for optimal health.

5. Natural Treatment Options for Ear Infections: We understand that even when you do everything in your power to make sure your child’s nervous system and immune system is functioning at its peak, kids may still get sick or develop an ear infection. In that case, we want to provide you with natural options to treat ear infections that won’t damage the gut like antibiotics. Read this article to learn alternative ways to help your child heal from an ear infection.

6. Wellness Tips to Help Kids Thrive in School. From nutrition, sleep hygiene, backpacks and more, this article discusses several things you can do as parents to set your kids up for success in school.

7. Eat to Nourish: The Power of REAL FOOD to Transform Your Life. When your body is fed whole, nutrient-dense foods, incredible things naturally begin to happen: Your mood improves, your skin clears up, your blood sugar becomes more balanced, you stay full longer, your cravings for sweets decline, inflammation decreases, brain fog clears, energy increases, sleep improves, and the list goes on and on. You see, God designed our bodies to run and feel best (physically, mentally, and emotionally) on REAL food - not processed food made in factories full of harmful fats, sugars, preservatives, and empty calories that highjack our taste buds and make you crave more junk. Listen to this podcast, watch this video, or check out this website to learn simple guidelines for how to eat, shop, and cook to improve your overall health and wellness.

Chiropractic Wellness Testimony: The Allen Family

Ever wonder why it’s important to go to the chiropractor to MAINTAIN good health (even when you’re not symptomatic)?

Listen to Carol Allen share the numerous ways her family benefits from consistent chiropractic care and why they KEEP GETTING ADJUSTED - even after 5 years of care!

Watch Testimony

As you’ve heard, neurologically-based chiropractic is about SO MUCH MORE than getting rid of physical pain or unwanted symptoms. It’s about helping your nervous system communicate clearly and effectively to PREVENT health issues from arising and helping your autonomic system ADAPT to stress (because we all know stress isn’t going away any time soon).😉

Show your nervous system some love this week by coming in for an adjustment! Call the office or schedule online to take a proactive approach to your wellbeing!

Here’s to eating, sleeping, speaking, and moving your body like you love yourself! … Because you are WORTH IT! (And the world needs a healthy, happy, vibrant YOU!)

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