
Chiropractic Services Maple Grove

Is It Safe for Seniors to See a Chiropractor?
Restore Chiropractic
/ Categories: Main, Chiropractic Care

Is It Safe for Seniors to See a Chiropractor?

Many chiropractic offices offer whole-family chiropractic care. But does this include seniors? 

As we age, our bodies become more delicate, requiring special care and attention to avoid problems. If you regularly receive chiropractic care or are considering it, you’ve come to the right place. Restore Chiropractic explains how seniors can benefit from chiropractic care

So, is it safe for seniors to receive chiropractic care?

Seniors & Chiropractic Care

The short answer is: Yes! Seniors can enjoy the benefits of chiropractic care. Chiropractors have been helping seniors for many years. Individuals who regularly visit a chiropractor reap long-term benefits, including more energy, flexibility, and less pain. 

Chiropractic care is about more than just pain relief. It can help improve your quality of life. Because people are living longer, they have more time to experience life to the fullest, and it’s much easier to do so when you’re pain-free and energetic. 

Studies show that seniors who get chiropractic care are more likely to avoid nursing homes for longer and have fewer problems with arthritis. Maintaining mobility and health can lead to a much more fulfilling life. 

Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Seniors

In addition to the ones already mentioned, seniors can enjoy many benefits of senior chiropractic care. 

Keeping your body aligned and mobile can help with: 

  • Pain relief
  • Improved balance
  • Better coordination
  • Greater range of motion
  • Fewer falls

When finding the right chiropractor for you, ensure they are experienced and comfortable with performing adjustments on seniors. 

What to Expect From a Senior Chiropractic Appointment

Because seniors have age-specific needs, your chiropractor will focus on intervention and prevention. They will emphasize improving spinal alignment and minimizing stress on joints and bones. 

At the beginning of your appointment, be sure to detail your concerns and include any relevant health information or medications. You can also let the chiropractor about any health goals you have for yourself so they can help you achieve those goals. 

The chiropractor will assess your body using non-invasive techniques and make adjustments as needed. Some offices, such as Restore Chiropractic, may conduct a postural X-ray screening. This provides an up-close view of your spine so the doctor can pinpoint any areas of concern. If necessary, they may provide additional information regarding lifestyle changes or alternative therapy. 

After your chiropractor appointment, you may feel sore for a few days. This is because your muscles are unused to your bones' new positions. You may also feel fatigued, but this will pass. 

Be sure to drink plenty of water before and after your appointments. 

Who Should Not Get Chiropractic Care?

While chiropractic care is safe for most people, a few conditions can make it more dangerous. 

You should not get chiropractic care if you have: 

  • Severe osteoporosis
  • Cancer in your spine
  • An increased risk of stroke
  • Known bone abnormalities in your upper back
  • Numbness, tingling, or loss of strength in your arm or leg

If you have any of these concerns, talk with your doctors and chiropractor before receiving treatment. 

Care for the Whole Family: Restore Chiropractic in Maple Grove

At Restore Chiropractic, we specialize in whole-family care, which includes senior citizens in Maple Grove, Minnesota. Our tailor-made treatment plans are perfect for those who need additional help with mobility, balance, and pain. 

Using innovative techniques, we can help improve your body’s alignment and reduce pain. Just check out our testimonials!

To schedule a new appointment, book online or call us at 612-516-309

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