
Chiropractic Services Maple Grove

How Stress Impacts Men's Health (And How To Improve It)
Jen Heupel

How Stress Impacts Men's Health (And How To Improve It)

Today’s we’re taking a moment to speak to all the MEN out there on a crucial but often overlooked topic — STRESS and its impact on neurological health. The doctors at Restore have witnessed firsthand the profound effects that stress can have on men’s well-being, particularly when it comes to neurological function. 🧠

When our nervous system is under chronic stress 😖it can lead to health concerns associated with high blood pressure 🫀, high cholesterol, diabetes, and many other severe but common issues men are experiencing in our world today.

You may be shocked to here this, but Dr. Kyle has personally experienced the scarry effects that increased stress and hidden health complications can have on a man’s life. Listen here as he shares how he almost died - TWICE!

We believe God created each and every man with a specific PURPOSE, and if you’re still alive He’s got great plans for you and is not done with you yet! So why not take care of your health NOW and be proactive while saving money in the meantime?

Consider this: How much BETTER could you serve, love, and live into your purpose if you weren’t being held back by physical, mental, or spiritual health concerns? How might your life look different if __x__ wasn’t consuming your thoughts, stealing your joy, or causing you pain? Life would be pretty sweet, would it not?

So enough of putting your health on the backburner, fellas! Your life and purpose are far too important for sickness, disease, and pain to get in the way.

Keep reading as we take a deeper look into the short and long-term effects that stress has on the nervous system and 15 FREE or low-cost things you can do to lower your stress response, improve your health, and boost your quality of life.

Short and Long-Term Effects of Stress on the Nervous System

Stress, whether it stems from work pressures, relationships, or other life demands, triggers a complex response in our bodies, negatively affecting our nervous system. Chronic stress puts our autonomic nervous system into “fight or flight mode” 💥and disrupts the communication pathways between the brain, organs, muscles, and tissues of the body. Chiropractors call this type nerve interference ⚡️SUBLUXATION, which needs to be removed from the nervous system or it can lead to various health conditions, sickness, and disease. 😟

Short-Term Effects of a Stressed Nervous System:

  • Increased release of stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline.

  • Heightened activation of the sympathetic nervous system, leading to the "fight-or-flight" response.

  • Impaired cognitive function, such as difficulty concentrating and memory problems.

  • Increased muscle tension and decreased muscle relaxation.

  • Disruption of sleep patterns, leading to insomnia or restless sleep.

  • Increased heart rate and blood pressure.

  • Suppressed immune system function.

  • Gastrointestinal problems, such as stomachaches, indigestion, or diarrhea.

  • Heightened emotional responses, including irritability, anxiety, and mood swings.

Long-Term Effects of a Stressed Nervous System:

  • Structural changes in the brain, particularly in the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex, affecting memory, learning, and decision-making.

  • Increased risk of developing mental health disorders, such as anxiety and depression

  • Accelerated aging of the brain.

  • Increased susceptibility to neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease.

  • Higher risk of cardiovascular problems, including hypertension, heart disease, and stroke.

  • Weakened immune system, making individuals more prone to infections and autoimmune disorders.

  • Digestive disorders, including irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and ulcers.

  • Increased risk of developing chronic pain conditions, such as fibromyalgia.

👉 By effectively managing stress (see tips below), you can positively influence the function of your nervous system, which PROTECTS your physical, mental, and emotional health so you can live, love, and serve to your full potential! 💪🏼

15 FREE or Low-Cost Ways to De-Stress and Improve Your Health

We get it. Men and fathers are short on TIME. And possibly money … or simply don’t want to spend a lot on their health. That’s why we’ve created a list of quick and easy, low-cost ways men can improve their health and better manage stress.

If you’re not yet under chiropractic care, start there, as the nervous system is the master control center for all your other organs, tissues, and muscles in the body. If is isn’t functioning well, then the rest of your mind and body wont perform at it’s best either.

Then, we encourage you to pick with one or two options below that peak your interest, slowly adding one at a time as the first healthy choices become a habit. If practiced consistently, in a few weeks you should feel less tense, respond better to stress, have more energy, and may even lose a few inches around your waist!😃

  1. Get morning sunlight: Go outside first thing in the morning for at least 5 minutes to get natural sunlight in your eyes. This syncs your circadian rhythm and stimulates your brain to wake up and activates your cells to create energy.

  2. Watch the sunset: Watching the sunset signals your brain to secrete melatonin which helps you wind down and have better quality sleep.

  3. Practice a 12 hour nightly fast: Your body is not designed to be eating around the clock. Your digestive system expects a break once the sun goes down so your body can focus on detoxing and repair. Other benefits include better insulin sensitivity, fewer cravings, deeper sleep, and weight loss.

  4. Prioritize sleep: Getting enough sleep is not only important for having high energy levels the next day, but for weight loss, stress reduction, hormone regulation, and detox purposes. Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep each night and stick to a sleep schedule where you go to bed and wake up close to the same time each day. Turn off all screens and electronics 1 hour before bed.

  5. Go for a 30 minute walk outside daily: Walking outdoors, especially in natural environments like parks or forests, can help reduce stress levels. Exposure to nature has a calming effect on the nervous system, reducing the production of stress hormones like cortisol. This can help improve your overall mood and well-being.

  6. Take movement breaks during your workday: Five minutes of movement every hour is all your need to help your brain re-focus, prevent posture and eye strain issues, and boost energy.

  7. Drink half your ideal body weight in water daily: Adequate hydration supports digestion, circulation, detoxification, temperature regulation, and the functioning of organs, tissues, and cells. By staying hydrated, you can maintain better mental clarity, focus, and overall cognitive function as well as boost physical performance and endurance because water lubricates joints, cushions tissues, and supports muscle function.

  8. Get adjusted regularly: Specific, neurologically-focused chiropractic adjustments relieve stress and tension in the nervous system which helps you respond and adapt better to daily stressors. Adjustments remove nerve interference from the brain to the rest of the organs, tissues, and muscles of the body, paving the way for better quality sleep, faster recovery from illness or injury, improved function of the heart and lungs, and more!

  9. Reduce screen time: Studies have indicated that prolonged screen use can contribute to musculoskeletal issues like neck pain, headaches, and carpal tunnel syndrome. Excessive screen time has also been associated with an increased risk of developing digital eye strain, poor focus, and cognitive fatigue. Listen HERE to Dr. Kyle’s tips on implementing screen time limits.

  10. Reduce processed foods, sugar, and seed oils (canola, vegetable, safflower): This one is pretty obvious, and yet most people still consume these items on a regular basis. You may not feel the immediate effects of eating poor quality food, but processed food, sugar, and seed oils are incredibly inflammatory for your brain and body, and inflammation is the leading cause of chronic disease. Here are some healthier swaps.

  11. Take a 1-minute cold shower: Exposure to cold water can have multiple positive effects on your body and mind. Some of the benefits included heightened alertness, improved focus, and mood-boosting effects from the release of endorphins and noradrenaline. The cold shock response and the release of endorphins occurs relatively quickly, leading to immediate effects on your well-being.

  12. Watch something that makes you laugh: Laughing can help reduce stress and promote relaxation. It triggers the release of endorphins and decreases the production of stress hormones like cortisol. This can lead to a reduction in anxiety and tension, helping improve your overall mood and mental state.

  13. Add veggies to every meal: Regular consumption of vegetables has been associated with a reduced risk of chronic diseases, including heart disease, certain types of cancer, and age-related eye diseases. The diverse range of phytochemicals and antioxidants found in vegetables can help protect against cellular damage, inflammation, and oxidative stress. Vegetables are also high in fiber, which aids in digestion and promotes a feeling of fullness.

  14. Spend time in God's Word, pray, or write down what you’re thankful for: Reading the Bible, praying, practicing gratitude all help keep your thoughts and perspective in a healthy place, provide hope and comfort, and keep you grounded on truth and what’s most important in life.  

  15. Connect in person with guy friends: Face-to-face interactions with friends can provide a much-needed outlet for men to discuss challenges, share their feelings, and receive support. It can also provide a break from daily responsibilities and allow for enjoyment and laughter. These experiences can help reduce stress levels and contribute to overall well-being.

We hope this list of ideas encourages you to implement some healthy rhythms in your life that support your nervous system health so you can THRIVE in your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Send this email to a guy in your life who needs to hear this! We hope to see you in the office soon!

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